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January 5, 2011 Public Hearing `
Public Hearing
January 5, 2011
The hearing opened at 7:50 PM.  Present were: Chairman Tom Daly, Mark Canfield, Jerry Gannelli, Jim LaChance and Rick McCowan.

Public Hearing Special Permit for an Accessory Apartment –Jason Lanpher
Tom read the public hearing notice as advertised in the Landmark on December 16 & December 23, 2010, and explained the hearing process. Jason Lanpher will present his plans, board members will ask questions and make comments, and finally the hearing will be opened for public comment. Jason met informally with the board in November to provide an overview of his plans.  Tom noted this is the first public hearing for an accessory apartment.

Jason presented his plans to build an accessory apartment attached to his existing house.  
  • The plan is to add 400 square feet to the existing house and a two car garage with an apartment above.
  • The apartment will be approximately 650 square feet (exact numbers must be provided); within the requirement of the bylaw for the apartment not to exceed 900 square feet, or 1/3 of the dwelling.  
  • The property is just over 4 acres.
Rick asked about parking. Jason said the driveway can accommodate at least four cars, not including the two car garage. Additionally, the septic system meets Title V requirements and according to Jason is designed for a four bedroom home. Jason must remain the owner/occupant.
The hearing was opened to the public at 8 pm. There were no comments.  The board discussed approving the permit provided the following conditions are met:
  • Proof of adequate parking be provided
  • Certification petitioner will remain the owner- occupant
  • Petitioner will provide exact square footage
Jim moved to approve the special permit with conditions as discussed. Rick seconded. All in favor (5-0).
Jim will draft the decision and develop a checklist to assist the applicant in providing necessary information. The board would like to see a plot plan as a requirement.  Jim noted that if the apartment is already in existence, applicants should be permitted to draw their own plans rather than hire an architect. The board agreed. New construction does require scaled architectural drawings.  

The hearing was adjourned at 8:03 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant